21st April - Today's News: Rains Fail To Ease English Drought

After our first thunderstorm of 2012 yesterday, rainfall in Evesham this month is now 31mm, exactly the average for the first 20 days of April; overall we're running at about 60% of average for the year (which is the same deficit we saw last year).  Many other parts have had more rain though and the Avon has in the past 2 days risen above it's long term seasonal low of ~0.46m to 0.77m thanks mainly to rain elsewhere in the Midlands running off into its tributaries.  The level will likely drop back again before long.    Groundwater levels remain very low in many parts as rain fails to alleviate drought - though more heavy showers expected this weekend and next week also looks wet.   We may actually end up with above avrage rainfall in Evesham this month, for the first time since Oct 2010. 

Piers Corbyn is the weatherman caught in a media storm after his prediction this week that May will be the coldest in 100 years (though not necessarily for the whole country - he goes on to specify eastern Britain and may well claim success if a small glen in Aberdeenshire has a cold month).

Heavy rain brings floods, landslides in Tobago

CO2 from fossil fuels discerned from natural sources - which may finally help put an end to the denialsphere's arguments that there's no evidence humans are even increasing CO2 levels .... !

And I said we're carnivores, not veggies: meat eating behind evolutionary success of humankind, global population spread - though maybe if we had stuck with eating leaves we wouldn't have made such a mess of the planet?


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